Pursuing Maximum Results for California Injury Victims

Anaheim Uber Accident Attorney

Uber drivers are everywhere on California’s roadways, transporting passengers or delivering food. Unfortunately, sometimes these motorists act in unsafe ways and cause harm to others.

When this happens, you have legal rights. JSM Injury Firm APC can help you to understand and enforce those rights by negotiating an out-of-court settlement to get compensation for your losses or by going to court and litigating on your behalf so you can recover the funds you deserve.

Rideshare accident claims can be complicated but our Uber accident attorneys in Anaheim have the skill and experience needed to maximize your chances of successfully getting paid for all the damages you endured.

Give us a call today at (949) 404-4826 to schedule your free consultation and learn more from our Anaheim injury lawyer.

Common Causes of Uber Accidents

Uber drivers often behave unsafely on the road for many different reasons, including:

  • Eagerness to drop off passengers that results in aggressive driving
  • Distracted driving as they use their rideshare app
  • Fatigue, as a report from the San Francisco County Transportation Authority showed that rideshare drivers regularly exceed 10-hour drive-time limits California imposes on those who transport passengers.

In these and other situations, drivers can be held accountable because California Civil Code Section 1714 makes everyone legally responsible “not only for the result of their willful acts but also for an injury occasioned to another by their want of ordinary care or skill in the management of their property or person.”

The Anaheim car accident attorneys at JSM Injury Firm APC will help you gather evidence as to the cause of the crash so you can show the Uber driver was to blame for harming you.

Your Legal Rights After an Anaheim Uber Accident

Uber accident claims can be complicated because the driver is operating a vehicle while contracted with the rideshare company.

A case called Lathrop v. HealthCare Partners Medical Group (2004) 114 Cal.App.4th 1412 explained, “under the common law doctrine of respondeat superior, a principal or employer is vicariously liable for the acts of an agent or employee committed in the course of employment.”

However, Uber drivers are not employees. California state courts upheld Proposition 22 that classified them as independent contractors. This means Uber can’t just be held accountable for the actions the drivers take when using the app — including causing accidents that harm passengers or others on the road.

Still, Uber offers supplementary insurance for drivers, in certain circumstances including when drivers are logged into the app, waiting to pick up passengers, or passengers are in the vehicle. You can see the details of the supplementary Uber insurance.

Determining when and how this insurance applies to pay for injuries requires an in-depth understanding of the law. JSM Injury Firm APC knows the details and will help you understand when and how this coverage may pay for your damages if the driver’s insurance isn’t enough.

How an Anaheim Uber Accident Lawyer Can Help You

If you or someone you love is hurt or killed by a rideshare driver, an Anaheim Uber accident lawyer at JSM Injury Firm APC can help you to get the money you deserve. Give us a call at (949) 404-4826 to learn more about the legal advocacy we can offer.